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Endocrine/Chakra Fruit Infused Tea’s

Endocrine/Chakra Fruit Infused Tea’s


Symptoms: Lethargy, panic attacks or anxiety, digestive disorders, health problems in the colon, bladder, and lower back, unexplained aches and pains in the body in the lower abdomen and pelvis, genitalia issues, insomnia, or excessive sleeping


Causes: Fear, insecurities, overthinking, living in survival mode, and emotional disconnection from the body 


Fruit Flavored Tea: Burdock, hydrangea, sarsaparilla root, agave, spring and water


Symptoms: Chronic lower back pain, arthritis, genital and libido issues, hip issues, joint issues, low energy, premenstrual syndrome, irregular menstrual, and excessive uterine bleeding


Causes: Sexual trauma, physical and verbal abuse, fear of intimacy, over-sexualization, limited freedom of expression, guilt, and shame


Fruit Flavored Tea: Raspberry leaf, red clover, sage, feverfew, agave, spring water

Solar Plexus 

Symptoms: Indigestion, eczema, irritation, ulcers, chronic fatigue, blood pressure irregularities, insomnia, obesity, passivity, anxiety, passivity, lack of energy, and lack of inspiration 


Causes: Insecurity, mental abuse, being belittled, stress, passiveness, and lack of boundaries


Fruit Flavored Tea: Ginger, fennel, nettle leaf, chamomile, agave, spring water


Symptoms: Low immune system, blood pressure imbalances, heart irregularities, breathing difficulties, lung function issues, and issues with circulation


Causes: Resentment, judgment, unresolved trauma, inability to accept past, anger, unforgiving nature, and not actively healing trauma 


Fruit Flavored Tea: Linden flower, raspberry leaf, nettle, shepherd's purse, agave, spring water


Symptoms: Critical of self and others, inability to communicate effectively, overeating, excessive smoking, alcoholism, issues with teeth, ears, nose, and throat, thyroid issues, weight issues, inability to connect with others, fear of expression, and nervousness 


Causes: Not being your authentic self, arguing, gossiping, unwillingness to accept the truth, judgment of others, and not being allowed to express yourself freely


 Fruit Flavored Tea: Mullein, chamomile, bugleweed, vervain, agave, spring water


Third Eye

Symptoms: Brain fog, inability to gain perception, impaired focus, difficulty making decisions, issues with vision, headaches, seizures, confusion, paranoia, and difficulty learning 


Causes: Mood disorders, chemical imbalances in the brain, denying intuition, denial of feelings, overthinking, attachment to the ego



Symptoms: Lack of spiritual discernment, fear of the unknown, rigid perceptions of others spirituality, constant confusion or changes in perception, stuck on one stagnating concept of spirituality, over righteousness, and sense of superiority or inferiority 


Causes: Depression, anxiety, fear of self discovery, need to control, need to be right, need to be acceptable to society, fear of the unknown, and disconnection from source 


Fruit Flavored Tea: Linden flower, lily of the valley, vervain, rosemary, agave, spring water 

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